Sep. 2nd, 2006
  191 Days To Go!!

If I could get another chance
I'd put it in a Ziploc bag
And keep it in my pocket
Keep it in my pocket


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Brian Pelc & Carey Cummings
September 2, 2006

All Dolled Up


I graduated from the College of St. Rose in May of 2005, and hope to attend Grad School at The Nicholas School of Environmental and Earth Sciences in North Carolina. I am currently working as a chemist at Bristol Myers Squibb in Syracuse, NY. I love long walks on the beach and laying in the sun getting a 'tan', and of course Puppies!


I am a Computer Science major at Oswego State, with plans of graduating in May of 2006. I would like to find a career in Software Developement/Programming in North Carolina. I am a member of the US Army National Guard, the US Canoe/Kayak Team, and the Oswego State Crew Club. I like making webpages, sprint canoeing, and most of my time is spent on programming (what little Carey leaves over)

Carey's Story:

We met each other in high school. We kinda always knew who each other was, but got to know each other better through marching band. One of the things I remember is getting a phone call at home(I don't know how he got my number ;) ) from Brian asking me to sit on the bus to the marching band competition with him. Then later on he asked me to go to a school dance with him. Needless to say he asked me out at the dance at approximately 10:50 p.m. on September 17, 1999.

Celebrating Us!

Brian's Story:

I only knew of Carey through friends throughout Middle School and most of High School. From what I knew though, she was a smart, funny and good looking girl. Perfect! I got her phone number from Eric Goodnough, and called her that night to ask her to sit with me on the MB Bus Trip, a big deal back then. We hit it off on the bus, so I asked her to the upcoming school dance, to which she agreed again! I had an absolute blast, and so I felt confident enough to ask her to be my girlfriend. Her response? 'Sure' :D The rest writes itself...

While Brian was in bootcamp, he sent a letter to Carey saying he wanted to go to Niagara Falls once he was out to gamble away some of the money he was saving up. They left once Carey was done with school that semester, in May of 2004. While seeing the sights of Niagara Falls, they came upon a garden they had seen on a previous visit. Another couple was getting their wedding pictures taken so they went to a circular platform in the garden overlooking the falls. While overlooking, Brian said 'sweet sweet things', got down on one knee, and asked Carey to marry him. She said yes.

Mid Story:

Brian and Carey had some hardtimes and difficulties, and ended their engagement. They worked out everything that needed to be.

Take 2:

After deciding to date again, they went to Greens Ale house, yes a bar... They were spending time with friends when the song Ziplock by Lit came on the radio. The lyrics were as follows:

If I could get another chance
I'd put it in a ziploc bag
And keep it in my pocket
Keep it in my pocket
Keep it in my pocket
Tell me
When I start to blow it
Would you show me
What I need to do
Before you hate me
I could never live with that so
Tell me
Before you're better off without me

During the chorus (which both of them were singing along to), Brian took the ring out of his pocket, and asked Carey to marry him... Again... She said yes, again.

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